Desconfía de un caballo cuando estés detrás, de un toro cuando estés delante y de un cura estés donde estés. (Miguel de Cervantes)

“Elon Musk no quiere que hagas donaciones a Wikipedia, lo que en sí mismo es una buena razón para hacerlo,
pero la razón mucho mejor es que se trata de Wikipedia. Si puedes, dona.”

sábado, 16 de agosto de 2008

A Free Press? Not This Time.

... For years I have respected American newspapers for being independent. But no longer. Coverage of the conflict between Russia and Georgia has been unprofessional, to say the least.
Last week, Georgia's president invaded South Ossetia during the night, much as Adolf Hitler invaded Russia in 1941. Within hours, Georgian troops destroyed Tskhinvali, a city of 100,000, and they killed more than 2,000 civilians. Almost all of the people who died that night were Russian citizens.
I think that both the Russian and Georgian governments attacked civilians. I blame the governments for this war. But I am also saddened by the unfair coverage of the conflict from Russian and American media. If this is what freedom of the press looks like, then I no longer want to believe in this freedom. I prefer to stay neutral and independent, just like a professional journalist has to do.

By Olga Ivanova
Friday, August 15, 2008; Page A21